Sloths in Costa Rica!

Sloth climbing tree in jungle in Costa Rica
Sloth climbing tree in jungle in Costa Rica
Sloth in Costa Rica
Click this pic to go to my sloth video!


Hey guys, check out this awesome video of a sloth in the Manuel Antonio jungle in Costa Rica:

Sorry the file is too big to include in the post, but click the picture or right here to see my video!


After living in Costa Rica, I developed the BIGGEST obsession with sloths.  I never understood the attraction to them until I saw one in person, and immediately fell in love.  Why?  I really can’t explain it….they’re honestly just super hypnotizing to watch, and incredibly cute.  Here’s another video **sorry, they’re addicting!**

Fun fact:  A sloth is called ‘perezoso’ in Spanish…which is another word for LAZY,  Perfecto, no?

sloth fixed

Want to visit Costa Rica?

Stay tuned for detailed posts on traveling to the country of “Pura Vida”!