How to use Mercury Retrograde to get ahead in your business (and life)

how to run a business during mercury retrograde

With Mercury Retrograde happening at least three times a year (sometimes even four), I thought it was time we stop the collective pity party whenever it hits, and start thinking about how we can harness this vibe to get ahead in our businesses.

So, here are my 3 quick tips for using Mercury Retrograde to help you crush your goals.

1 – Use it to get your ‘ish together.

As enlightened adults, most of us have learned the hard way that ignoring our problems and pretending they don’t exist is a recipe for disaster. Anything that’s not working for us isn’t just going to disappear unless we give it the attention it deserves, and I think we all get that by now.

Since Mercury Retrograde helps to shed light on problems we didn’t realize was there, why are we so freaked out about it?

This is good thing, people! This helps you to figure out what you need to work on, and this period is great for reflection, so you can give yourself permission to dwell on things until you’ve figured out a viable solution.

If new information comes to light that makes you want to reconsider one of the goals you’ve set for yourself or a project you’re working on, this is fantastic time to dig up more information and weigh the pro’s and con’s.

If you feel strongly inclined to completely change directions on something, you have permission to! If you’re not 110% sure, sleep on it for a while, and see how you feel when Mercury Retrograde ends.

Either you’ll find the path you’re supposed to be on, or you’ll double down on your commitment to the path you’re already on. Either way it’s a win-win, yes?

2 – Let unstable things fall apart.

Recognize that Mercury Retrograde helps unstable things fall apart. This means projects, clients, relationships, or anything that wasn’t built on a solid foundation is likely to start showing it’s cracks.

Depending on how shady it was in the first place, it might even implode.

That is okay – let it happen! Worrying about it won’t change a damn thing, so don’t start panicking, wondering what aspect of your life could self-destruct during Mercury Retrograde.

First of all, not all Mercury Retrogrades have the same intensity, and not all of them will affect you strongly. If you’re an astro-newb and really freaked out about how an upcoming phase will affect a big plan of yours – consult with a professional astrologer who tell you exactly how it will affect you based on your unique natal chart.

Then, flip it for the magic! Flipping the situation and focusing on how it actually helps you isn’t selfish, it’s self-care. (And it’s something empaths tend to be really bad at.)

For example, say a situation with a client has been tricky for some time now and your frustration has been slowly simmering beneath the surface because you’re totally convinced this client intentionally tramples all over your boundaries.

Then Mercury Retrograde comes along and bam! Something causes that client relationship to go up in smoke.

Instead of having a total freak-out about your loss of funds, throw yourself a little party and give thanks for the experience.

You not only have the freedom and space to go out and get a new, better client who actually pays on time, you’ve also learned exactly what boundaries you need to make crystal clear to your next client.

So after you celebrate, whip up a new standard contract detailing all of your new non-negotiables and go out and get a new client who actually respects them.

You have the power to do that whenever you want – don’t overcomplicate things!

3 – Slow down to speed up.

Most of the empaths I know are not exactly what you’d picture as typical ‘bleeding heart’ types, who walk around with their hearts on their sleeves and cry at the drop of a hat.

Quite the opposite – as sensitive types most of us have learned to shove our emotions into a neat little box while we chug away in survivor mode and ignore what our bodies, minds and souls really need.

When you do this for long enough, you’re guaranteed to wind up with some sort of physical ailment: anxiety, depression, emotional eating, burnout, high cortisol, wonky menstrual cycles and even autoimmune diseases.

Hands up if you know what I mean, lady!

I know this has definitely been the case for me. I learned to disconnect from my sensitive side and threw myself into over-achiever, perfectionist, super-helper mode for years.

Hell, I was so disconnected from my emotions, I remember going for years without crying – even during heart-wrenching movies! Being the softy I am, that was totally weird for me, but instead of it raising a red flag, I felt thankful I grew out of that ‘side’ of myself.

Looking back, I see how destructive this thinking really was. Being in touch with my own emotions and physical needs wasn’t something to grow out of. It’s natural, and something to be damn proud of. But I was young and I couldn’t see how ignoring my own emotions and needs was damaging me.

I tell you this story because if any of it resonates with you, there’s a good chance you need take some chill time to recalibrate and reconnect with yourself.

Getting back in touch with your inner self and prioritizing your own needs may be something you can do relatively quickly, or it may take quite a long time, depending on how long this has been a pattern for you.

But the cool thing is, Mercury Retrograde is a fabulous time to work this stuff out!

And like I said, if you keep chugging along without doing this important work, your body will let you know in a way that totally interferes with your business.

So why not take these weeks as a chance to prioritize your self-care and reflection, so you can heal what you need to now? If you do, you’ll be refreshed, roaring and ready to conquer the world by the end of Mercury Retrograde, when everyone else is feeling frazzled as f.

This is not an exhaustive list, but a quick guide to pick yourself up when Mercury’s got you down.

I’d love to hear your tips for dealing with the Mercury Retrograde blues, so share them with me in the comments!

With so much love,

xx Stina

P.S. If you want to know more about how Mercury is affecting you specifically, or have another astro-question, shoot me a DM and if I have any openings I’ll try to squeeze you in for a reading!