Booty in Brazil street art Santa Teresa

Bombarded by Booty in Brazil

You can't take a trip to Rio de Janeiro Brazil without seeing a little booty. Seriously! On my recent trip to Brazil I couldn't help...

Quit Faking Your Passion!

One thing being bed-ridden the past few weeks has helped me to realize: You can't fake your passion. Sure, you can spend as much time as...

Reggaeton, Mullets, and Getting Hit By Cars

Hey guys - This is not a destination based post, but some rambling and life updates since I've been MIA for, like, ever now... Where am...

Hunting for Acai in Rio de Janeiro

"No, we don't sell that here"  may have been the theme of my trip to Brazil. Being a health-food fanatic, I was almost as excited to...

A Not-So-Rosy View of the U.S. (Caribbean Perspective Interviews PART 2)

At the end of my interview with Elvis, a native Costa Rican, I asked a particularly difficult question that provoked a response worthy of...

Comparing Costa Rica (Caribbean Perspective Interviews: PART 1)

  Ever wonder what it'd be like to have been born in the Caribbean? How different your life might be there? Or if it's safe...

Entrevista con Elvis sobre la vida caribeña (completo sin revisiones)

1) Que es lo que mas te gusta de Costa Rica?  De Puerto Viejo especialmente? de costa rica   para ablar del pais lo que me...

Puerto Viejo Costa Rica in Photos

Puerto Viejo is a sleepy little beach town on the Caribbean coast known for its intense surf, laid-back attitude, and reggae-loving inhabitants. Even though most...

The Most Romantic Valentine’s Day Getaway near NYC

Looking for a cheap day trip or weekend getaway that's not far from NYC and accessible by train? Cold Spring NY is the answer! DILEMMA:...

The Truth about Food in Brazil (& Gluten-Free Tips)

Don't let them fool you! Food in Brazil can be tricky. Before traveling to Brazil people may tell you not to miss out on an...