Tips to Enjoy Your First Smoke-Free Holiday Season


The holidays can be a very stressful time, there’s no denying it. For recent smokers who have quit, this stress can pose a huge challenge when trying to keep on track and refuse to light up. Depression and stress are both triggers for smokers, and unfortunately these conditions are more common during the holiday season. Preparing to fight your smoking urges beforehand will leave you well-poised to make it through this holiday season without a relapse into this nasty habit.

Find an Alternative

If you will be doing any Christmas traveling, it’s essential to have a plan in place to keep you from falling back into old habits, and that may mean finding an alternative device. Order e-cigs online to make sure you don’t cave and buy cigarettes while traveling. E-cigarettes have been reported to be at least 95 percent safer than traditional tobacco products, making them an excellent option for those who are finding it hard to remain nicotine-free. Plus, around the holidays we are around all of our loved ones. Lighting up a traditional cigarette creates harmful secondhand smoke; vaping devices use vapor, meaning your family and friends won’t be inhaling tobacco chemicals even when you use it around them.

Keep Up an Exercise Routine

The holidays are hectic, but make sure you don’t let the hustle and bustle push out your exercising priorities. Exercise is stress-relieving and good for the body, and will help you remain strong in your commitment to push cigarettes out of your life. Exercise increases the production of endorphins, reduces the urge to smoke, helps prevent weight gain, and will aid you in handling stress. It’s also been found that exercise can ease withdrawal symptoms both during and for almost an hour afterwards.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can make us irritable and grouchy, plus it comes along with a plethora of health consequences. Staying hydrated during the holidays means sipping at least 64 ounces of water throughout the day. Water is essential to the proper function of our bodies; from weight management to kidney function, mood and sleep, smokers who have quit and are committed to staying clean should ensure they take in enough of nature’s elixir. Buy yourself a fancy new water bottle to take to work, and fill it with ice cold water whenever you’re finished. If it’s in eyeshot, you’re more likely to drink it.

Pick Your Venues Strategically

One thing that will help you remain smoke free this holiday season is to attend events and gatherings in places where smoking is not permitted. This will prevent you from even having the option to light up, and you’ll be kept busy—a combination which will fight your cravings for you.

Well Rested Means Well Prepared

Another important thing to prioritize during the holiday season is getting enough rest. Hopefully you’ve noticed since you quit smoking that your sleep habits have improved. This is because smoking can cause disruption in your circadian rhythm, makes you more vulnerable to sleep apnea, and may contribute to insomnia. Maintain a solid schedule of your newfound rest to ensure the holidays are less stressful.

Have a Support Team

As you head into the holiday season, make sure you have a support system that will help you stick to your goals. Whether it be family or friends, let those you love most help you in one of the best decisions of your life. If you need to look for outside help, consider a smoking support group. You can meet with likeminded individuals going through similar things and draw strength from them. You can also become a member of an online smoking support group for help straight from your couch.

Keep Healthy Snacks Around

When the urge to light up strikes, ignore it by partaking in some crunchy, healthy snacks. Crisp veggies and juicy fruits will keep your hands and mouth busy without weight gain, and you’ll take your mind off of cigarettes while you do so. Sometimes just the action of eating is enough to mimic the sensation of smoking, so it can trick your mind into thinking you’re giving into the craving. Eating healthy foods will also help you avoid post-holiday bloat, so grab those carrots and munch away.

As the holidays draw closer, stay committed to your goal of quitting smoking for good. Utilize these excellent tips to ensure you remain your healthiest self and the start the New Year on the right track.

Photo: Merry Merry