5 cool travel guide apps

If you’re thinking of going abroad this summer, then it might be a good idea to invest in a travel guide app.

These apps are easy to use, and will allow you to get the most out of your holiday.


I’ve highlighted 5 apps that I’ve found the most useful in my travels:


Hailo is another free app, which is designed to help you find a black cab, wherever you may be. Not only that, it tells you how long it will take for the cab to arrive, and even gives you the registration number of the cab. You pay directly through the app, and if you’re feeling generous, there is an option to tip too. Hailo is available on iOS and Android devices.

XE Currency

XE Currency is perhaps the best currency conversion tool. It offers you realtime information about exchange rates, so you can ensure that you’re getting a good deal from that hotel in Nepal, or a taxi in New York. You can use it offline, and it’s free. XE Currency is available on iOS and Android.


This app detects your location using a GPS signal, and then helps you find the closest restaurants, bars, pubs and more. There are a variety of advanced search options, so you can find the cheapest bars, or the most expensive restaurants depending on your taste. If you’re winging it in a city and need to quickly find a place to eat, this app is for you. Urbanspoon is available on iOS and Android devices.


This app was developed by two ex-Google employees, that claim to have an ‘algorithmic approach to travel’. What this app does is combine information from a bunch of different sources, including Wikitravel and Openstreetmap. The app provides information about over 8000 destinations, and it’s free! If you’re feeling spontaneous, and have appropriate holiday insurance, you could even use the app to find a hotel or hostel without prior planning. You can download this for iOS and Android devices.

Google Goggles

If you’ve found an important looking building and want to know more, but don’t speak the language, then this app could come in very handy. All you have to do is load up the app and point your phones camera at the item of interest. If the building is famous enough, then Google Googles will return the relevant Wikipedia article, so you can learn all about famous landmarks without ever talking to a tour guide! Google Goggles is available on iOS and Android devices for free.