
Content to inspire you to travel the world, help you know what hotels are worth staying at and which countries are an absolute must-see.

The Ultimate Guide to Lisbon Portugal (& why it should be...

I know I went on and on about how my time in Galway was a love affair for the ages, and I still maintain...

5-Minute Traveler’s Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie

Many of you may not know that I'm a bit of a health nerd. Having been blessed with some confusing medical issues and after watching...

4 Romantic European Travel Destinations

How do you keep your relationship exciting and fresh? Spontaneous romantic gestures? Going away on regular holidays together? Maybe you prefer to spice things up...

10 terrifying (yet amazing) ways to make the most of your...

I travel, I write, and I ponder...a lot. I love meeting new people and figuring out what makes them tick, and I live for...

I’m giving away a $250 flight voucher to one of my...

Happy New Year to all of my loyal readers and new fans! I've been a little quiet lately as I've been incredibly busy traveling, freelance...
canary islands resort

5 Exciting Things to do in Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura, like many islands, obtained its start through volcanic activity allowing it to be left fairly untouched by inhabitants. As a part of the Canary...
cygnet tasmania

Eating like a local in Tasmania: Discovering one of Tasmania’s gourmet...

Cygnet is a tiny town in Tasmania with a global reputation for its annual folk music festival, which attracts artists and visitors from around...

4 Do’s & Don’ts for an Unforgettable NYC Christmas

DO these things for an unforgettable NYC Christmas experience: 1) Eat at Rolf's German Restaurant. During the holiday season Rolf's has the most Christmas lights and...

Toledo Spain in a day

Toledo Spain is the perfect day trip from Madrid. It's quick, cheap and gorgeous - what more could you ask for in a day trip? I...
Galway Ireland

My love affair with Galway, Ireland

My love affair with Galway Ireland was intense, real, and as it is with many great loves, over all too soon. Galway was the final...