
Content to inspire you to travel the world, help you know what hotels are worth staying at and which countries are an absolute must-see.

A Digital Nomad’s Dream: Affordable Paradise in Lipari

Everyone - digital nomads and earthlings alike, dreams of finding a gorgeous, unpretentious paradise that feels luxurious but doesn't cost a fortune. When I booked an...

Underground Salsa: The Secret of Kathmandu

You've probably noticed I've been publishing more guest posts than normal lately. I have two reasons for that: 1) I'm insanely busy traveling as...

Eating Morocco: How to eat your way through Marrakech like a...

It's common to hear tourists proclaim their love of Moroccan food with their very first bite of tagine... ...and it's equally as common to hear their...

5 Coolest Cities in Romania for Travelers

Have you been contemplating traveling to Europe, but want to check out a country that's a little off the beaten path? One or more...

Hip, Eccentric, and Absurdly Cool Boutique Stays in Paris

I’m a self-professed lover of boutique hotels. I can’t travel without them---they connect me to the area I’m staying in and take such good...

Best Spas In Budapest

Budapest is a buzzing city full of culture, history and beautiful sights, however there is one thing that it is famous for above all...

The London Coffee Scene

There is no doubt about the fact that the UK is a nation of tea lovers, which is quite possibly why for so many...

Washington, D.C. – Beyond the Monuments and Museums

When you think of traveling to Washington, D.C., the first places you probably think of visiting are the many monuments and museums that the...

Eating Milan: Foodie Tips from Breakfast to Dinner

// Trying to eat like a local in Milan is not always an easy task, especially if you’re in the really central streets, like...

The Music of Lisbon

Here's a peak at some of the awesome music in Lisbon, Portugal: (This post is an add-on to The Ultimate Guide to Lisbon, so be sure to check...